Hi Yessica,

On Thu, Feb 07, 2013 at 01:29:06PM -0300, Yessica Brinkmann wrote:
> Hello,
> Excuse me please write back by forum inadequate. But it's already doing 22
> hours I sent emails to the API forum but no one answers, and I have not
> received any message from this other forum participants. I do not know if
> this forum has a very low flow of mails or what happens.

I guess you need a little patience, we all are contributors, may be
busy working on other stuff, etc. (for example, I saw your mails on the
API mailing list, but didn't have time to take a look at the problems).

Besides, Basic + Base is a complex topic, and it is rather hard to get
an idea of the problem by only reading a description and a code snippet,
it would be helpful for the reader if you can upload a copy of the whole
ODB file with the forms, macros, tables, etc. For example, without
seeing the whole ODB I could have never guessed the problem you had with
fields not incrementing due to having NULL instead of a default value of

Ariel Constenla-Haile
La Plata, Argentina

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