On 03/02/2013 Ryan, Benjamin wrote:
1. Identify the software development approaches used in the development of the 
Software? e.g Open office
What software development approaches were used eg Structured(top-down) 
prototyping,RAD or Agile

I have little to add to what Rob already answered. OpenOffice is a community effort, so we don't enforce any particular methodologies. The project has coding standards, see for example http://wiki.openoffice.org/wiki/Cpp_Coding_Standards and http://wiki.openoffice.org/wiki/Writer/Code_Conventions ; and it has a number of development branches where new features are developed before being merged to the main trunk. So nothing unusual in this respect.

We may use a "review then commit" or "commit then review" approach depending on the impact of a change, but we ensure that all new code is reviewed by peer developers.

6. Evaluate how effectively the new system met the needs of the user or the 
target market?
How the software has met the needs of the user and target audience
At the current statistics Open office has taken 14% of Microsoft offices sale 
which is quiet significant
Market-Share etc

We invite feedback from the users and ask them how OpenOffice can better meet their needs. For example, months ago we ran a Google Moderator initiative https://www.google.com/moderator/#16/e=2011d5 asking users for their priorities in the OpenOffice development, and getting about 1000 new ideas from them.


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