Le 12/02/2013 13:05, Rob Weir a écrit :
I don't know.  I was asking a question.  But I think this is an
important question:  Why would an extension author not update their
extension for AOO 4.0?  Some hypothetical answers:

1) The extension is unmaintained

One of the top reasons I guess. I myslef made extensions for my own use. I 
would have to tweak it. Since I've done them some time ago, I would have to 
dive again in specifications to make the changes.

2)  The author cannot be located or we have no way to notify them of changes

May be related to 1).

3) It is not clear to the author what technical changes are needed

Was a communication plan issued to warn the authors about that?
Don't tell me the release notes are for that. Almost nobody read the release 
notes (at least until the end).
I guess that many extensions mlaintainers don't follow this dev list at all.

4) There is not sufficient calendar time for the extension author to
make the needed changes before we release, or the work required is too
much for the author to fit into his schedule

May be related to 3). Without any warning, few chances to implement any change.

5) The author attempts changes but they don't work or they introduce
new problems

Rather unlikely.

6) The results of not making the changes is not clear, so the author
mistakenly thinks they are optional changes

Or he just don't care anymore about the extension. So it needs to be taken over 
by someone else. But how we could know that?

7) Author has technical or account issues with the extensions website
and is unable to upload a new version, and does not know where to get

These are all possible concerns, but I think most of them can be
managed with good communications and advance notice.

There is also the possibility of:

8) Inconvenience -- it is natural for anyone to complain about needing
to do additional work where they don't see the advantage.  So it is
natural that we will expect complaints, followed in the end by
conformance with the required changes.

Yes but what about the loss of confidence from users who will be first 
frustrated by an upgrade that breaks more things than fix them? Then they will 
have to do some homework to find out what the problem is (again, don't tell me 
about release notes). And wait in the end for someone to fix it. What if they 
do need their extensions meanwhile?

One side aspect: what about extension update warning? If a new version is 
detected but the user doesn't upgrade to 4.0, are we sure that the minimal 
version will be checked first, before the new extension is installed by the 
user? Has he to download it before being warned that it's in fact not 
compatible with his current AOO/OOo version?

I'm not against the change. I'm for a controlled one, that has no impact on 
end-users. So the main points are: communication to the extensions maintainers 
(what about the extensions hosted on their personal pages and not on 
sourceforge?), preparation of the updates and transition period.


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