On 2/12/13 1:42 PM, Joost Andrae wrote:
> Hi,
> in the moment I have just one question in mind:
> Who's going to adapt the Sun/Oracle extensions that contain Addons.xcu
> like presentation-minimizer.oxt ?

well the extensions where we have the source code can be changed by
volunteers. Maybe directly at Apache or as Google code project when
there are license incompatible dependencies.

Everything else is unclear and I doubt that Oracle has interest in
updating them. And nobody else can do that.

The best thing would be to start new projects providing similar
functionality but where the code is available and under a proper license.

Unmaintained extensions are a general problem and should not have
influence on any decision.


>> 8) Inconvenience -- it is natural for anyone to complain about needing
>> to do additional work where they don't see the advantage.  So it is
>> natural that we will expect complaints, followed in the end by
>> conformance with the required changes.
>> What is totally unclear to me is whether we are facing #8 only, or
>> whether we have any of the other concerns.
>> One option for #8 is to add a nice new feature or capability to the
>> API so extension author will *want* to update.
> Kind regards, Joost

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