
On 06.02.2013 17:39, Regina Henschel wrote:
Oliver-Rainer Wittmann schrieb:

recently I got notice about our (from my point of view) very
user-unfriendly way for editing Input Fields in Writer.
Currently, you can not place the cursor into an Input Field which in
general is shown with a grey background when Menu View - Field Shading
is on. If you click on the Input Field, a modal dialog pops up. In this
dialog you can edit the Input Field's content. On confirmation of the
dialog the Input Field's content is changed in the text document. To
edit the next Input Field you need to click on it. There is also a
special key shortcut - namely Shift-Ctrl-F9. This key shortcut opens the
Input Field content editing dialog for the first field. This time the
dialog has a Next button by which you can confirm your change and switch
directly to the next Input Field. A Previous button is not available. By
Murphys law the dialog hides most of the time the Input Field in the
text document.

I have got the opinion that such an editing experience is bad,
especially, if the document is a form which makes use of a lot of Input
Fields to be filled by the user.

See issue https://issues.apache.org/ooo/show_bug.cgi?id=33737.

Thank you Regina for the link to the issue.

I am remembering this work as I was partly involved, but I did not had the issue number at hand. I my local environment, I tried this work and experienced the one or the other issue. This work relies on an ODF enhancement which was proposed to the OASIS ODF TC - the technical committee at OASIS which works on the OpenDocument file format standard -, but was not driven to bring it into the standard. The proposed ODF enhancement is also much more than just changing the editing capabilities of Input Fields. There is also an UI missing to insert such "new" fields. Thus, currently my preference is not to follow this approach for this proposed improvement.

Best regards, Oliver.

P.S.: Sorry for the long silence, again. I had got another viral flue which knocked me out the last days.

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