On 2/25/13 10:03 PM, atagak xplornet.ca wrote:
> Hello Rob!
> Not sure if my last email made it? Anyways, my best attempt in answering
> some questions....
> I would like to see the ability to type in syllabics in the word processor,
> although we wouldn't perform any financial functions, it would be good to
> be able to either type basic syllabics in Calc, or copy and paste the text
> into Calc and any text based option within Draw, Impress, not really
> necessary for Base, but storing any text in the fields can be in syllabics.
> The function of typing in syllabics would mainly be in word processing.
> If the focus of typing in syllabics were to be in in Writer, could that be
> available in all platforms?
> This truly will be a digital revolution for Inuktitut typing if this can be
> done! A remarkable achievement it will be, to instantly type in Inuktitut!
> And right now, my main focus is to be able to take that VB code and somehow
> (I'm almost completely blind in C) and duplicate it for the standards of
> Open Office.

just a quick addition, if it becomes an extension later it could be
implemented in Java as well.
But implemented as extension or directly integrated i the core depends
on some further investigation. It sounds very interesting and we are
happy if we can support you to the benefit of all Inuktitut speaking people.

I will be on vacation for 1 week and when I am back I will try to take a
closer look on your solution to understand it better ...


> I will subscribe to the mailing lists in your suggestions,
> Once again, I thank you for all the advice and appreciate all the work that
> has been done!
> Take care
> Andrew
> On Mon, Feb 25, 2013 at 2:10 PM, Rob Weir <robw...@apache.org> wrote:
>> On Mon, Feb 25, 2013 at 1:28 PM, atagak xplornet.ca <ata...@xplornet.ca>
>> wrote:
>>> Good afternoon everyone!
>>> My names is Andrew Tagak Jr., I'm an Inuk (Eskimo) from Nunavut, Canada,
>>> living in a small city by the name of Iqaluit (Many Fish).
>> Hello Andrew,
>> I am Rob Weir, one of the volunteers on the Apache OpenOffice project.
>>   I'm in the US, in Massachusetts.  I always wanted to visit Nunavut
>> and see the northern lights.
>> Welcome to the Dev mailing list.  This is a public mailing list, so as
>> a subscriber everything you send gets sent to other subscribers, and
>> you also receive any note that someone else sends, like this note.
>>> I have over the years developed small programs in Visual Basic. One of
>> the
>>> programs I have developed is a transliterator that instantly converts
>> Roman
>>> Orthography into Inuktitut Syllabics.
>>> I developed the program to ensure that the proper use of the orthography
>>> converts seamlessly in syllabics without having to learn a mapped
>> keyboard
>>> to type, or to avoid downloading drivers to be installed on computers.
>> Cool.
>>> My wish.... is to have such a program function in Open Office! That would
>>> be a thrill to be able to say a tiny little program like the
>> transliterator
>>> can have a huge impact on all Inuktitut speaking and typing users across
>>> the globe! It would maximize technology to it's fullest capacity :)
>> Yes, I could see how this would be very useful.
>>> I'm also developing the same program for other Aboriginal languages
>> (Cree,
>>> Ojibwe, Cherokee and Dene)
>> Excellent.
>>> Couple questions,
>>> 1 - would it be difficult to integrate VB into C? Or, convert vb language
>>> into the Open Office language?
>> A few things to think about:
>> a) Do you want the tool to work in all editors (Writer, Calc and
>> Impress?) or just in the word processor?
>> b) What about platforms?  OpenOffice is available on Windows, Mac and
>> Linux.
>> If you want a solution that works on all the OpenOffice applications,
>> and cross-platform, then that will probably lead you away from Visual
>> Basic and toward either OpenOffice Basic or C/C++.
>>> and 2 - If it is possible, any chance I can get any support or learning
>>> tutors to help with the wish I have?
>> We have many volunteers who are far more knowledgeable about the
>> extension mechanisms in OpenOffice.  Hopefully that can give you some
>> good ideas.
>> Note:  we have two other mailing lists, with less traffic, that are
>> also relevant to your ideas.
>> We have a localization mailing list, which you can subscribe by
>> sending a note to:  l10n-subscr...@openoffice.apache.org
>> And we also have a list dedicated to writing OpenOffice extensions:
>> api-subscr...@openoffice.apache.org
>>> If you need some samples they are found on my site;
>>> http://www.tagak.net
>>> I have found an Add-on developed by Alex Beneson that transliterates
>> other
>>> languages, and I have contributed Inuktitut to that particular add-on he
>>> developed;
>> Are there others who might be interested in enabling OpenOffice to
>> work better with Aboriginal languages?   We have an active
>> localization effort for OpenOffice.  So if you know anyone who would
>> be interested in seeing the OpenOffice user interface translated into
>> Inuktitut syllabics, and bundled with an Inuktitut spell checker, we
>> can help you get started.
>> Regards,
>> -Rob
>>> http://www.benya.com/transliterator/
>>> I would like that everyone for any support!
>>> Take care
>>> Andrew Tagak Jr.

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