2013/6/21 RGB ES <rgb.m...@gmail.com>

> I did not reported this yet.
> Download this document
> http://people.apache.org/~rgb-es/Test-Bug.odt
> On pages 3 and 7 you'll see some text highlighted. There is also a comment
> inserted on page 3. If you click on the yellow text on page 3, the cursor
> jumps to the heading instead of remaining where you clicked. If you click
> on the yellow text on page 7 the situation is even worse: the cursor jumps
> to the footer of previous page.
> Now, go to page 3 and delete the note: clicking on any yellow text the
> cursor behave as intended.
> Also, if with the note in place you delete text under the first heading so
> the "chapter" gets reduced to two pages, the jump on page 7 does not occur.
> The document is new, all styles defined today and created on
> AOO400m2(Build:9701)  -  Rev. 1493305
> 2013-06-15 03:58:54 (Sat, 15 Jun 2013) - Linux x86_64
> Can someone confirm this this *really* strange issue?

OK, this is getting even more strange: if I hide the sidebar, the problem
does not happen...

> Thanks
> Regards
> Ricardo

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