We need to update the installation instructions for 4.0, soon after 4.0 RC
is out:


Response to the following questions are needed:

For Linux users:

* Regarding the following issue:
Did an actual "update" take place or ????

* What about profile migration issues?
* What distro are you using?

Mac and Windows users:

I found two outstanding installation issues:

(but as my BZ searches aren't right on sometimes, there may be more out

Any updates on these? Work-arounds? Setup changes?

* Please report what got migrated in your profiles and what didn't?
* Did the update, other than user profile information, work as expected?

And, of course, any other information that would prove useful.



"Every day we should hear at least one little song,
 read one good poem, see one exquisite picture,
 and, if possible, speak a few sensible words."
                             -- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

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