On Thu, Aug 29, 2013 at 11:45 AM, Gaurav Prasad

> Hello,
> I am a Java/J2EE programmer interested in working on the OpenOffice
> project.I do acknowledge the fact that most of AOO is in C++ but want to
> help/contribute in any form it can be.
> If not programming then I would like to help in localization, marketing or
> any other form .
> I have been here for a while before,but could not contribute due to
> academic time constraint.
> Since,I ve graduated I would be able to  give dedicated time towards it.
> Please anyone can help in guiding me for contributing on AOO.
> Thanks in Advance
> Regards
> Gaurav Prasad

Hello Guarav--

And thank you for your interest in development. Yes, it is true that AOO is
mostly written in C++ but there are "hooks" to java especially in the
database area. Of course, you can track down java code using your favorite
utility for this purpose.  If you do that, you can mostly ignore items in
the "qa" directories since these are used for testing.

I don't know if you've been through the Orientation modules, but you might
want to start there to learn more about how the project and Apache
generally works.


especially the Developer area.

I don't know how many of our outstanding issues pertain directly to java,
but probably some of them do.

Thanks again for wanting to help, and welcome to the project.


"Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because Fiction is obliged
 to stick to possibilities. Truth isn't."
                             -- "Following the Equator", Mark Twain

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