Hi All,

We continue doing the AOO 4.0.1 showstopper defect verification this week,
here is the weekly update (09/09 - 09/13):

*Test execution:* impacted area testing when doing bug verification, almost
complete for Writer, Impress and Calc auto-filter
Defect summary:*
1. Defect verification(with flag 4.0.0_release_blocker+/?) : there are 44
bugs in backlog now, among of them, 27 are for translation, 7 are for code,
which need actions from native reporters and development, respectively

Accomplished this week (only for Function UI)

Verified/Fixed    Reopened    Wait for build    Look for env/platform
New fixed/added in backlog
9    0    0    0    6

Backlog at end of this week

Total    L10N    Function Code    Function UI
44    27    7    10

*Issues & quality highlight:*
1. Code is frozen, the first RC will be announced later Friday
2. There is no critical new defect found so far when testing Calc

*Volunteer status:*
1. 6 volunteers are on defect verification work for 4.0.1 showstopper
2. No volunteers are for left translation defects' verification

*Plan for next week:*
1. Work with volunteers to verify showstopper defects (total 44, function
2. Work with volunteers to do general testing on RC1
3. Run GUI PVT against RC build when it is ready (scheduled on 09/14)

Thanks you all for effort this week, we are towards to the release
candidate of AOO 4.0.1, let's continue and make progress next week!

Yu Zhen

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