We have other courses parallel, so we will probably want to find a
relatively smaller project in comparison.  We can spend a few hours a week
on this for three months.  We don't need to add a new data structure for
our project, and we'd be happy to edit and help improve an existing one.
 We would be happy to look at the classes for handling strings, or import
and export filters.

What do you think is reasonable for us to handle?  We each have experience
with C++, and would be happy to help with whatever you think is reasonable.

On Mon, Sep 16, 2013 at 11:30 AM, Regina Henschel

> Hi Stephanie, hi Caroline,
> Stephanie Tilden schrieb:
>  Hi!  I have emailed dev-subscribe to subscribe to the Apache Open Office
>> Mailing List with the same information that follows:
>> I am a Computer Science student at the University of Notre Dame.  I have a
>> year experience in C++ and am now in a Data Structures course, where we
>> have a final project that includes becoming familiar with and adding or
>> editing a feature (data structure related) of an open source project.
>> We are working in groups of two.  My partner for this project and I are
>> wondering if there is an opportunity in the Apache Open Office community
>> where you need a data structure added or edited in your project.  We have
>> 3
>> months to work on this project.  Please let us know if you have any
>> options!
> Apache OpenOffice is huge, with a history of about 15 years. Therefore a
> new data structure is only added, if it provides an advantage or is really
> needed. If you will improve existing data structures, then we are likely
> find an area for you.
> For example, AOO has several classes for handling strings. Some are
> oldish. You can examine the existing solutions, find there problems and
> make suggestions to consolidate the classes.
> Or you look at a special missing feature, svg gradients for filling of
> draw objects for example, and make proposals about necessary changes in the
> model.
> Another area dealing with structures are the import and export filter.
> Documents are stored in special file formats, proprietary or open
> standards, and need to be converted to the internal structures. There are
> missing features in this area too.
> On important aspect is, whether you need to deliver a patch, that will be
> integrated in the source, to satisfy the course requirements.
> Will you spent your whole time on this project, or do you have other tasks
> or courses parallel?
> Kind regards
> Regina

Stephanie Tilden
University of Notre Dame
Computer Science
Class of 2015

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