On 18.10.2013 11:32, janI wrote:

due to the discussion in thread "Mentor a new build system", I have made a
proposal for a central Makefile located in main.
Hi Jan,

it is great that you are going to improve this part of the build system. But I think that we need more details about how the proposed build system works. Without them I can not really evaluate the proposal.

Some remarks regarding the missing options:

--from <module>
This is one of the more important options and one that I use frequently (also in the form --all:<module>). Note that if you are in <moduleA> and call 'make --from <moduleB>' then all modules are built
   a) which <moduleA> depends on
   b) but not those that <moduleB> depends on
   c) Both <moduleA> and <moduleB> are built.

Also one option that is important for our every day work. Use case: You make changes in <module> and are not sure if these changes are compatible/incompatible. To be on the safe side you discard the output of all depending modules. To save time you keep the output of all other modules.

Often used together with '--from' like 'make --prepare --from svx' to prepare a build after making changes in svx.

--since <module>
A variant of '--from'. The only difference is that <module> itself is not built.

If your proposed approach is similar to what my script produces then it is not too difficult to support --from/--since. I made some experiments in this direction but was to lazy to finish them.

  These are sometimes handy to run a non-standard command for all modules.

- I have not used the rest of the unsupported options and would not miss them. Others may have other sets of options that are important to them.

Some general remarks:

- Why keep one makefile per module? Why not put all the inter-module dependencies into one file (like my script does)? - Why not use the oportunity to move (a part of) the build environment out of the way to, say, build/ ?

- How are dependencies between modules handled (just the manual dependencies from prj/build.lst or also the file dependencies introduced by gmake). - How is the output of the individual calls to dmake or GNU make handled/made accessible. Ie. if there is a build error, how can I look up the corresponding build output?

- Are the gmake makefiles included (run in the same process) or is GNU make started for them it its own process?


It has been roughly tested it, thanks to a clever utility from andre.

As discussed build.pl contains a lot of options, which need to be
considered in a makefile.

My suggestion is on

Please feel free to edit/comment on the page. I have reduced to options a
lot, and some of them might be in use.

thanks in advance for your comments.

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