Hi Jos,

On 2013-10-21, at 17:15 , Keith Joslyn <josjos...@icloud.com> wrote:

> Hi 
> Is there any intention/willingness to develope/deploy a version of your great 
> office application (OpenOffice). It has been my choice of office products 
> since 'StarOffice' on OS/2. And I continue to use OpenOffice on my OSX & 
> Linux distro's. I would love to be able to use it on my iPhone & iPad 

The short answer is "no": there is no evidence that the developers (and their 
companies) working on Apache OpenOffice are working on a mobile version of 
OpenOffice, which I understand to mean an editor of ODF format using more or 
less similar UI elements but somehow packed into an iOS frame. :-) (There is a 
viewer for, at least, iOS, for Symphony, which is Lotus Notes' notion of AOO. 
It's good.)

In fact, there are hardly any (perhaps zero) iOS ODF editors, at least none 
that is native. There are several that are not native clients; these use HTML5 
or the like and via a browser window (or similar) render OO on your mobile 
desktop. Those that work via the browser are probably equally usable on Android 
as on iOS, but one has to try things out.

As to the native client. I'm working with the creator of UX Write, a native iOS 
client for the iPad, to support ODF. He's keen on it, but wants to focus his 
resources on furthering the development of what UX Write does now, which is 
fully support MSFT formats, as well as other formats, and in a way that's 
rather good. If you want to help contribute to ODF support, please let him 
know. :-)

(Why is a native client desired and how is not the same as squeezing OO into 
the mobile? A native client would likely be faster and would work offline. And 
what is wanted is an ODF editor, with the same UI—or close enough; there are 
limitations at play here!—not the whole thing somehow shrunk down. The former 
is feasible, though it's not a trivial task by any means, and UX Write's 
solution is rather brilliant, but the latter is probably not even desirable, 
let alone feasible.)

> Regards
> Jos Joslyn

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