On Tue, Oct 22, 2013 at 6:33 PM, Rob Weir <robw...@apache.org> wrote:

> I have no idea.  Should we?

Sorry for the delay.

Well, it rather depends on what you are trying to do - I doubt that in this
instance it would make much sense. Anyhow, it is rather a different subject
from the listing itself, and on that note (the listing) I did not mean to
say I had objection.

Change of Subject - I note, or so it appears, that Symphony is no longer
available or at least not for download. There where a few ancillary
artifacts, some key board shortcut sheets and a few small tutorials which
had been available from the old Symphony site and seems to have no links to
the newer web page - any chance you employer would allow someone to update
those for AOO 4 and make them available on the wiki here? [perhaps I should
of broken that into a separate thread]

Thanks for all your work,


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