Really promizing and great news. Thanks for the detailed update.


Am 11/15/2013 06:54 PM, schrieb Andrew Rist:
I wanted to give an update on the buildbots, as this is a question that
keeps coming up.

* We've received assurances that the Mac buildbot is coming. Long
story short, the current mac hardware is a bit long in the tooth and
we would kill everything on it if we added our builds to the current
machine. We are waiting for real hardware in the form of a Mac Pro
which will enable us to have multiple virtualized mac bots, giving
us our own environment that can be set up for AOO. The machine
should be ordered by the end of the year - bot should come up early
next year - ish...
* We are also waiting on a CentOS bot to create our standard Linux
build. This has been requested and is in the works, and Jan has
agreed to bring this up in discussions with infra. I am hoping we
can have this for the 4.1 release timeframe.
* FreeBSD bot - we have a new freebsd bot and it is slowly moving
toward building without errors. If anyone has suggestions for
fixing issues on there, please post to dev and we'll move that
forward. We are currently stuck on Hunspell -


* The hung process issue with the windows buildbots seems to solved
now, and has not been a problem lately.
* Currently the Windows bots are failing - but this seems to an issue
of svn getting out of sync, I'm cleaning up the bot and restarting
the machine after some updates - I expect this to clean up the
current issues. (
* Snapshots - both linux and windoze are currently having issues in
terms of the size of files that the build creates. The standard
buildbot directory upload routine zips the directory, uploads it,
and unzips at the destination. Our directory of install bits has
gotten too large and we are running into an exception on this
step. (On long term fix is to create our own custom directory
upload code for build bot - but that is another discussion...) The
short term solution is to split the snapshot build into two builds
(possible in a single flow) and build half the languages in each
build - this should get us around the space issue.

That's all for now

On 11/13/2013 10:01 AM, Kay Schenk wrote:
On Tue, Nov 12, 2013 at 6:33 PM, Glenn Harvey Liwanag <> wrote:

I can try building the thing on my Mac OS X if that's what you're
for. It's my only computer right now and I use it for school so I
have to
know first the average build time and the instructions to get the whole
thing done without academics interfering with the work.

Thanks for this offer! Resources used for building are dependent on your
system, but typically it would take about 2 hours for a full build.

Information on how to obtain the source and a link to the Building Guide
can be found on the project source page:

Please let us know how this goes for you.

On Wed, Nov 13, 2013 at 9:08 AM, Kay Schenk <>

Regarding Jürgen's comments on a recent thread --

Since CentOS 5 is our reference distribution for delivered Linux
(I did not know this!) -- and I am assuming this distro might remain as
reference going forward, does it make sense to try to move forward
to set
this up as a buildbot. I know wokr had already started on this. Can
give us an update?

I don't know CentOS, but having about 18 years in various *nixes HP/UX,
Solaris, RedHat, SuSE), I could probably help assuming I could work in
command line only to deal with this.

On the MacOSX front, the latest update indicates we don't have hardware

Any suggestions? Volunteers with equipment to dedicate to this?

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