On 12/9/13 7:45 PM, Rob Weir wrote:
> On Fri, Dec 6, 2013 at 3:41 AM, Jürgen Schmidt <jogischm...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> some time ago we have discussed a language only release on base of
>> 4.0.1. And even a language release requires a lot of work. Until today I
>> see 3 potential languages ready which is not enough from my perspective.
> +1
>> But on the other side we have some nice stuff in place that should be
>> released asap, for example the iAccessibility support which is a great
>> step forward and will help a lot of people.
> +1
>> I would like to propose a new release AOO 4.1 early next year and as
>> soon as possible. Taking into account that Christmas and the related
>> holidays in many countries will slow down all the activities a little
>> bit I can think of the following:
>> Jan 10, 2014    features freeze
>> Jan 13, 2014    translation freeze for beta
> I'm not sure what "freeze for beta" means?  Will more languages be
> permitted after beta?  Or only bug fixes to the languages that made it
> into beta?   The purpose of a beta is to help assure quality, so it
> might be reasonable to have all new features, including new languages
> in the beta.  But I could also see an argument for letting more
> languages come after beta.

sorry for being unclear, it should be the translation deadline. Even the
integrating of new languages requires some time and effort and we have
to work with a deadline. We don't have UI changes as far as I can see.
At least no reported ones and I can't see where a few days more would
change anything.

I would love to see a continuous integration of translation but this
still requires some work. Especially the verification of simple errors,
like mismatch tags should be automated in some way. I notice a lot of
such mistakes when I work on the integration.

>> Jan 20, 2014    feature FVT finish
>> Jan 21, 2014    4.1 beta candidate, with major features and languages
>> Jan 27, 2014    4.1 beta release for public review
>> Jan 27 - ?      full regression testing and bug fixing
> I assume we would produce further snapshot builds for testing, by QA
> volunteers in the project, while the beta is ongoing.

yes, we should do that on a regular basis

>> ?       RC1     Feb 28, or later?
> A one-month beta would take us to February 28th.  Next steps would
> depend on the feedback from the beta, how many serious issues are
> found, how many have already been fixed, etc.   We would assume that
> the most spectacular bugs will be found in the first couple of days of
> the beta, not in the last week.   But if things go well then the beta
> naturally leads into a RC for 4.1.

the feedback on the beta will give us more info how to proceed


>>         GA      ?
>> I really would like to see the iAccessibility improvements publicly
>> available as soon as possible because from my perspective it is a
>> further huge milestone for AOO. And I would like to support the new
>> languages as soon as possible and hopefully we can have a few more. Some
>> are very close to be ready.
>> Opinions and feedback is welcome and I hope may of you can share my view.
> It sounds good to me!
> Regards,
> -Rob
>> Juergen
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