Hi Mathias,

On Wed, May 21, 2014 at 04:06:45PM +0200, Mathias Röllig wrote:
> Hello Ariel!
> >See
> >https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OOOUSERS/AOO+4.1+Release+Notes#AOO4.1ReleaseNotes-KnownIssues
> >"For the MacOSX version only, any extensions that are written in C++
> >will no longer work and be marked as disabled in the AOO extensions
> >manager. This is because of the change of AOO from a 32-bit to
> >a 64-bit application on MacOSX. Please report the problem to the
> >developer of the extension."
> I dropped AOO 4.0.1 and installed AOO 4.1 using the same user
> directory.  But "... and be marked as disabled in the AOO extensions
> manager." wasn't the case.
> What's wrong? My installation process, AOO 4.1 or this cited passage?

When that passage was written, only the PDF import extension was taken
into account, see

I didn't try with the driver, but according to your description it isn't
disabled on the Extension Manager; that's strange because the
extension's description.xml has

<platform value="macosx_x86"/>

but given issue 124783 it might be broken. 

> And by the way:
> http://extensions.openoffice.org/de/project/oracle-report-builder now has
> gone for Mac?

That one is written in Java, it should run in any platform. Anyway
I wouldn't recommend anyone to install that extension, it is
unmaintained (like most Base stuff) and broken, see:


Ariel Constenla-Haile
La Plata, Argentina

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