Am 07/05/2014 10:27 AM, schrieb dotolamminger:
habe jetzt den IE probiert - geht ebenso nicht, verwende win7 pro,
folgende Meldung erhalte ich beim Aufruf des Download links..

English translation:
> I've now tried the IE - also failing, I'm using win7 pro,
> following message is shown when clicking the download link.

Hi Thorsten,

Just for your information:
This is an mailing list for English language. ;-)

To be honest I don't know why the IE doesn't want to open the Sourceforge website. Have you tried their initial homepage?

As an alternative please have a look for Apache mirror servers:

After clicking the link above on the server that is the nearest to you, choose the version, click on "binaries", choose the language via ISO code, choose the file for your wished platform and try again to download.



Am 05.07.2014 10:01, schrieb Marcus (OOo):
Am 07/05/2014 07:12 AM, schrieb dotolamminger:
kann Apache Office nicht herunterladen

English translation:
> cannot download Apache Office

I cannot see a problem as every value says there is no error.
Especially the rows "Download file link (full)" and "Download file
link (lp)". Have you clicked on them? What exactly is happeing?

So, please provide more information:

- Do you get any error message?
  Please write the exact wording.

- Do you use a proxy server for connecting to the Internet?
  Try without if possible.

- Maybe there is a firewall rule that avoid the connection?
  Try do disable if possible.

- Any other hint that there is a problem?



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