On Mon, Jul 28, 2014 at 11:30 PM, John Jay <john.ku...@frontier.com> wrote:

> Both my ABC with a check mark and my ABC with a squigly line do not work.
>   I CAN NOT use them to check a word spelling.  When using ABC check mark
> it goes to the beginning, I must take one word at a time to be corrected.
>  ABC squigly line put a line under every thing.  Would you please help me
> correct the problem so I can agin enjoy their use.
> John

Hello John,
  Please try resetting your user profile as explained here:
and if spell check still does not work, work through the troubleshooting
tutorial here:

If you need more help, try asking on the user mailing list or on the user
forum that hosts the links above. Those are better places to get support
than this developers mailing list.
Best regards.

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