
 Can you be more specific saying what you attempted to download, and what
issue you encountered? Also could be useful to know which mirror.

 Thanks in advance.


2014-08-19 11:57 GMT+02:00 Ray Dobie <tvvoc...@gmail.com>:

>  *Browser variables* *Values*navigator.appCodeName Mozillanavigator.appName
> Netscapenavigator.appVersion 5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36
> (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/36.0.1985.125 Safari/537.36
> navigator.platformLinux
> x86_64 navigator.oscpuundefined navigator.cpuClassundefined
> navigator.productGecko navigator.productSub20030107 navigator.vendorGoogle
> Inc. navigator.vendorSub navigator.languagezh-CN navigator.browserLanguage
> undefined navigator.userLanguageundefined navigator.systemLanguageundefined
> navigator.userAgentMozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36
> (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/36.0.1985.125 Safari/537.36 Debian / Ubuntu /
> IceWeasel ? No / No / No*Stable Release*   *JavaScript functions/variables*
> *Values*Language ISO code Language ISO code (from select box) Release
> matrix platform position (full) Release matrix platform position (lp)
> Release
> matrix platform array data Release matrix language array data UI platform
> name UI platform name (not supported) Platform (short) URL platform name
> (full) URL platform name (lp) URL platform name (from select box) Version
> (from select box) File name (full) File name (lp) File extension File size
> (full) (MByte) File size (lp) (MByte) Release info Download file link
> (full) Download
> file link (lp) Checksum file link (full) (here for MD5) Checksum file link
> (lp) (here for MD5) Base URL to Sourceforge.net Base URL to Apache
> Archive getLinkSelection()
> (download URL) isLanguageSupported() (true/false) ? Show the sub-box
> (true/false) ? General error (true/false) ?
> --
> *Best Wishes!*
> *_____Ray*

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