On Mon, Sep 1, Vladislav Stevanovic wrote:

> ... So, on Sourceforge, Is there way to separat[e] only instal[l]ation
> files (without

languages files)?

I don't see an automatic way to do it, but look at the numbers next to each
file (right), these are individual file downloads, so you can sum only the
downloads you're interested in.

* hover your mouse on the name, it will show the full file name after a few
seconds, as a tooltip.
** I notice that file fingerprints are also considered a download (MD5,
sha, ...), so ignore them; you need to look sum only on the rows with the
LARGE numbers, that usually represent the installation and the language
pack downloads (the numbers next to the "...install{.exe/.dmg/.gz}" files).

Goodluck, and... share your findings,

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