
after a longer vacation and some silence in the past weeks I would like
to discuss the release manager role.

I think it's time that somebody else takes over this role and drives
active the next release. I did it since the beginning of OpenOffice at
Apache but I think it is a good opportunity for somebody to be more
active in the community and take over some responsibility.

We have released some important milestones over the years and have
enough experience and know what's necessary. Whoever takes over the
release manager role won't be alone and will get the support from the
community. In the same way I got it in the past.

We had discussions about the way how to communicate and track the
release planning and the progress and now it's the time that people can
realize this. It's always room for improvements.

The goal is that this somewhat important role is circulating and not
depending on one person only. The releases are anyway a community effort
and the release manager have to take care of some necessary formalism.

And to make it easier a further goal is to be able to take binary builds
from our build bots and release them. Currently we rely on builds made
by community members but I think it's better to use official build bots
for that. This means that we have to check the Windows build bot and the
binaries if they can be used already or what is missing. It means that
we need Linux build bots with the correct baseline or increase the
baseline. And finally we need a Mac build bot. But this discussion
should take place in a separate thread.

For now I would like to invite all of you to think about the release
manager role and if is something for you. I will not be available as
release manager for the next release.


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