Marcus wrote:
Am 01/24/2015 06:56 PM, schrieb Andrea Pescetti:
4) External reorganization: decide how we see OpenOffice as part of a
larger ecosystem, so what we can do in terms of collaboration with other
projects that are from Apache or from outside Apache.
For me this is no thing that can be solved short-term. Furthermore, we
should first solve the internal things to be able/ready to think about
external affairs.

I'll clarify it once again. My proposal means exactly that people do not bring up these issues while we discuss the previous ones in the list, to avoid long discussions that ultimately block the project.

It's a partly "yes". ;-)
My order would be #1, #2, #3, #5 (however some can/should be done in
parallel) and when that all is done #4.

Yes, #5 (release) would be discussed in parallel. This is not an issue. The issue is if this becomes a blocker. I want everybody to be clear that if we have consensus here we won't be able to accept objections like "Before electing a new Chair we must release OpenOffice 4.1.2".

Taking into account the different opinions expressed so far, I'm now seeing a certain agreement on:
1) Election a new PMC Chair ...
2) Internal reorganization: people say what they are going to do to drive the project forward ...
Later) Re-alignment between PMC and active community ...
Later) External reorganization: decide how we see OpenOffice as part of a larger ecosystem ...
Later) Release OpenOffice 4.1.2 ...

The "Later" items need not be done in this order. What matters is that nobody should push their completion as priorities over #1 and #2.

Can we agree on this simplified version, so that we can take the first steps?


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