Hello Everyone,

My name is Krista Watkins and I am looking forward to beginning my
volunteer work here with OpenOffice.

Now, for a little background on myself.

I am a second year student at Regis University working on a bachelors
degree in Computer Science.  Most of my work so far has involved using C++
but I also have basic knowledge of Java and SQL.  Unfortunately, though, I
have not had the opportunity as of yet to use my schooling in any real
world setting.

I am hoping that volunteering with this group will allow me to gain some
much needed experience both in coding and also in the other aspects that go
into creating and maintaining programs.  To do this, I am willing to work
with bug reports, coding, clearing tickets, and pretty much where ever else
help is needed.

I am hoping to be able to contribute about 2-3 hours a week at this point,
with a hope to contribute more in the future.

I have begun working on Modules 1 and 2 and I look forward to working with

Kind Regards,

Krista Watkins

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