Nayana ,

What you wanted to produce is very easy when using the API and basic who is simular tot VSB. the code can been packed as a extension ( there is a lot of usefull code around om the web and forums)

hope it helps


I am very new to AOO.
I want to develop a project to generate Excel report file.
I am planning to use NI-Labwindows platform to develop my project. if it 
doesn't support then i will prefer to do with Visual Studio (VC++).
Can you please send the required C++ API's for to do the same.

It will be really helpful if you could send me few sample example codes.
there is no C++ API that you can use standalone but you can use the C++
binding of the UNO API. The API that is used in the office but also in
macros or extensions or external apps remote controlling the office.

I think thr latter one can be an option for you. You have to run the
office in server mode (means headless without GUI) listening on a port
for incoming UNO calls. Your cleint app can connect via UNO and can
create a new document and and can fill it.

For a first impression take a look into the SDK [1]. But keep in mind
most of the samples are in Java. But a few samples show the initial
steps to bootstrap UNO in C++ and create a connection to an office.

The API is the same in C++ but the language binding is a bit different
to Java. Please see the Developers Guide [2] for a general introduction.



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