On 30/01/2015 19:52, Andrea Pescetti wrote:
Who of the two candidates do you prefer to replace Andrea Pescetti as
the OpenOffice project PMC Chair?
[ ] Dennis E. Hamilton (orcmid)
[ ] Jan Iversen (jani)
Vote opens now and it will last one week, until 6 February 2015 7:00 PM
GMT, to give all community members the opportunity to participate.

Vote is closed.

Preliminary results see 10 binding votes for jani, 8 binding votes for orcmid. But results are so close that I recommend that everybody who voted checks below that I counted his/her vote correctly. Let me know if I made any mistakes, please.

Votes from the OpenOffice PMC http://people.apache.org/committers-by-project.html#openoffice-pmc :

10 jani:

   alg          arist          hdu
   jsc          khirano        marcus
   mechtilde    mikeadvo       orw

 8 orcmid:

   arielch      galoppini      kschenk
   louis        pj             regina
   robweir      wave

 9 Abstaining:

  af           atjensen        dpharbison
  fanyuzhen    imacat          ingotian
  jim          mayongl         rgb-es

Plus the following votes from other community members:
5 jani (Michal Hrin, Simon Phipps, Olaf Felka, Alexandro Colorado, Guy Waterval)
 3 orcmid (Keith N. McKenna, V Stuart Foote, Dave Barton)


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