For the record, I am in complete accord with the outcome and how Andrea is 
moving his recommendation for new Chair forward to the ASF Board.  I shall 
continue as a contributor. I look forward to our moving forward on Andrea's 
Priority #2 proposal.

I have no interpretation to offer concerning details of the [VOTE] and the 
quantitative outcome.  My only observations is that the cast votes are what 
they were (and what votes not cast were not) and the outcome is what it is.  
Elections are like that, to the bemusement of all [;<).

-----Original Message-----
From: Andrea Pescetti [] 
Sent: Sunday, February 8, 2015 02:24
Subject: Re: [DISCUSS] Re: [VOTE] New Apache OpenOffice PMC Chair

Peter Junge wrote:
> What is the conclusion of this vote? As far as I understand the Apache
> philosophy, such votes are no majority votes but consensus is the goal.

Conclusion is that Jan is the person I will recommend for replacing me. 
The vote outcome determines the new Chair.

> A a considerable and easy way out might be a
> double chair with both Jan and Dennis; especially they also seem to have
> complementary skills.

We have one Chair. And it will be Jan. Of course, it's natural to think 
that Dennis can/will have a major role in the project. This is the duty 
of PMC members. And it can be done without any formal titles (a thing 
that I'm sure neither Dennis or Jan are attached to). So it's totally 
welcome for me to see Jan, Dennis AND ALL OF US work together and help 
in different project areas.


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