Am 03/26/2015 07:03 PM, schrieb Kanthiah Easwara Chandran:
I came across a problem that I want to bring to your attention.

I was using the Spreadsheet program “calcs”. When I sorted the data based the 
date order it did the sorting, but kept the formulae with “Absolute” values of 
cell references in formulae, thus resulting in the sorted data making reference 
to irrelevant fields not related to “set” of data that it applies to.

Thus the set of data after sorting contains unrelated data from other sets not 
that belongs to family in the “set”. In other words the formulae make 
references to unrelated fields from other “sets” or “rows”.

Please looking to this matter as many users use the spreadsheets and sort the 
data as and when needed. You do not want them to make presentations with sorted 
data containing unrelated elements of data in the sets.

Thank you.

I am glad for having to this opportunity to give you this feed back.

at the moment I don't know if this is a real problem in OpenOffice. For this kind of problems we have our user forums [1]. Here many more users are present and could help you out. Furthermore you can give some more concret examples.

So, to get more feedback and a solution I would like to ask you to report the problem also there.




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