On Sat, 02 May 2015 11:26:20 +0200
Andrea Pescetti <pesce...@apache.org> wrote:

> Our latest Board report contained an automatically generated section 
> with all available mailing lists. One of them, named forum-admin AT 
> openoffice.apache.org, is currently unused. It was created as a more 
> "official" replacement for the current e-mail address used by forum 
> administrators, aoo.forum.en AT gmail.com.
> What shall we do with it?
> 1) We subscribe all forum moderators (I mean: the people who now have 
> access to the Gmail address) to it individually, aiming at replacing the 
> Gmail address.
> 2) We forward it to the Gmail address, thus keeping all current 
> processes in place but giving users the reassurance that they are 
> contacting admins through a recognizable channel. This is my favorite 
> solution since it won't modify any existing workflow.
> 3) We simply drop the mailing list and we continue using the Gmail address.
> The list is configured to let all messages through, so moderators of the 
> list merely manage subscribers.
> Regards,
>    Andrea.

My understanding from a personal message is that Hagar (Admin on en-Forum) is 
away from home for about a week; I would not wish to make this decision without 
consulting him.

Rory O'Farrell <ofarr...@iol.ie>

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