2015-06-01 0:34 GMT-06:00 Денис Нилов <radomir_1...@mail.ru>:

>  1) How can I get a hot key of uppercase?
> 2) How can I change of my hot key?
> Для здоровья,
> Нилов (РАДОМИР) Денис
> Добавить в друзья вКОНтакте
> нажать + https://vk.com/denisnilov + нажать
> radomir_1...@mail.ru

Hello! Select the menu Tools -> Customize and then the Keyboard tab. From
the Category list select Format and from the Function list select
Uppercase. From the list of Shortcut Keys, choose one that is not assigned
and then click Modify. I hope that helps.
Best regards,

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