Thanks Jan,

----- Commenting inline to -----
From: jan i [] 
Sent: Thursday, June 25, 2015 15:40
Subject: Re: AOO Principles for Cooperation among ODF Projects

On 25 June 2015 at 22:58, Dennis E. Hamilton <> wrote:

[ ... ]
>  3. The possibilities for cooperation on source code that cannot be used
> directly in an ASF Project release and how that can be handled in
> distribution of binaries.  The preferences for optional dependency as
> opposed to essential dependencies and where they apply.  Dependencies that
> are disallowed on principle (and for which only very specific, narrow
> exceptions are considered, if ever).
I can follow your other points but not this one. Apache does pr rule not do
binary releases. If a binary is provided it is a convenience NOT a release.
Single PMC members (or others) might provide binary releases on their own

This is actually a point where the AOO PMC walk on a very sharp sword, so
the wording here is extremely important.

I find your other point very good discussions point, so maybe we should
leave the binary release for a moment.

   I carefully used the term "distributions" for binaries.  I will make 
that more clear when we get to this.  I will not speak of binary releases.  
I should have made that more specific.  There are practices that *do* extend
to binary distributions made by projects, even though they are not releases.
We can get into that later.

[ ... ]

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