On 31.07.2015 11:42, jan i wrote:
> Hi
> Super to hear we will have presence at one more event, thanks for making it
> happen.

Just for totality:

We also join the OpenRheinRuhr in Oberhausen on 7th and 8th of November


I'll ask the german community for helpers.

> I cannot participate, but I can offer
> - Apache stickers (if you are running low)
> - A big Apache feather poster to hang behind the booth (lending not to keep)

Whether I'll need more feather stickers, I'll Know after OpenRheinRuhr.
Thank you very much for your offer.

> We are finally getting the big apache feather poster available here in
> europe (big thanks
> to Sally for sponsoring this from the marketing budget).
> If you want I can get it sent to you after ACEU, and you either return it
> or keep it to FOSDEM.
> Please also remember AOO still have an account with money, to be spent for
> marketing, so
> if you need AOO related material it is possible.

T-Dose ist an import but manageable event. So our roll up will last.

Kind regards

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