On 08/06/2015 07:31 AM, Ivanka Skakun wrote:
> Hello  sirs,
> First of all, thank you for developing such a useful Software. Very good
> features and easy in use.
> Due to my volunteering program I translate tutorials, faq pages into
> Russian and would be really glad to translate your FAQ page
> <https://www.openoffice.org/faq.html> as well. I hope it will help Russian
> users.
> Please let me know if it is possible.
> Regards,
> Ivanka

Hello Ivanka and thanks for your nice offer!

You can download the English version of this page from:


to use for your translation. Once you are done, it is best to file an
issue through Bugzilla (https://bz.apache.org/ooo/) and add your
translation as an attachment to an issue. If you need help with this
part, please ask on this list.

The Russian site -- http://www.openoffice.org/ru/

seems to be organized in the new format using our standard website
template. We could link your translated FAQ in from the /why area I
think. This is not part of our standard template but probably should be.


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 with a single step.”
                          --Lao Tzu

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