On Wed, Oct 28, 2015 at 7:37 PM, Kay Schenk <kay.sch...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Wed, Oct 28, 2015 at 6:22 PM, Patricia Shanahan <p...@acm.org> wrote:
> > I am a very experienced programmer and computer architect, now retired.
> My
> > current strongest language is Java, but I have programmed in many
> languages
> > and can learn them as needed. My last professional C++ work was in the
> > 1980's.
> >
> > Although I am Chair of the Apache River PMC, the types of work it
> > currently needs, other than the facilitation and reporting I do as Chair,
> > are outside my areas of expertise. I have time to do some programming
> > elsewhere.
> >
> > I have been an OpenOffice user - I started using StarOffice at Sun around
> > 2000 - but more recently I've switched to LibreOffice because of lack of
> > OpenOffice releases. I am now downloading OpenOffice 4.1.2.
> >
> > I have become aware that OpenOffice needs more developers. Despite the
> > rustiness of my C++, I hope I can help. If so, how should I get started?
> >
> >
> ​You have wonderful experience, Patricia! ​Thank you for your interest.
> Stay tuned. We'll be discussing plans and tasks  for the future very soon.
> Meanwhile, we could certainly use some "architect" eyes on our code. Please
> weigh in as you see fit.
> --
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> MzK
> “The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”
>                                                           --Lao Tzu
Hello Patricia,
   You might be interested in the comments in favor of Java use in AOO made
on this list by Damjan Jovanovic on Oct 15. I'm sorry I can't link to them
at the moment.

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