Hello Andrea,

I have been adding words to the pt_PT autocorrect XML:

So far I have added around 80-90 words.

I would like to update the official 2010 version of the file with my version before AOO 4.2.0 is released.

What is the correct procedure? I know how to pack the files and rename to acor_pt-PT.dat .

I also noticed that LO 5 seems to have the same little words of AOO (pt_PT) but it has over 1000 entries of special symbols.

PS-> It will take months to add all the words from my grammar books which means that AOO 4.2.0 will only have some of the words.


Kind regards,
     >Marco A.G.Pinto

On 16/01/2016 17:57, Andrea Pescetti wrote:
FR web forum wrote:
Is it possible to provide an explicit release date for next 4.2.0?

I believe that, to continue with a reasonable and sustainable pace, the next release should (in theory) be targeted to February.

We don't lack code at the moment, since in 4.1.2 we included only a fraction of the new code developments we had by then, and we now have more.

There are many issues to address and discuss, but the only blocker I see at the moment is with localization. We still need to look at integrating translations from Pootle (that are in large part already completed for 4.2.0). Once that is done, planning becomes possible.



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