On Fri, Mar 18, 2016 at 4:18 PM, Patricia Shanahan <p...@acm.org> wrote:

> When I was working I gave up some of my freedom to do what I wanted in
> exchange for being paid to do what other people told me.
> We all do...

> I retired when I had accumulated enough investments that the financial
> improvement from the money Sun was paying me no longer outweighed the
> benefit of being able to decide for myself what to do with my time. My
> 10 a.m. horseback riding lesson this morning will be far higher priority
> than OpenOffice debug.
> I do not see being a "Release Manager" as carrying any authority at all
> over others. I might need to persuade, suggest, beg, and plead, but I
> would not expect to be able to compel, not even to the limited extent I
> could when I was a project leader in industry.
> This is not the place for a philosophical debate, let's agree to disagree
I hope a good release manager / keeper of the release checklist will be
found soon.

> If the term "Release Manager" is creating an idea of a job something
> like being a manager in industry, maybe we need a more realistic term
> such as "Keeper of the Release Checklist".
> Patricia

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