On Sun, Jul 24, 2016 at 7:43 PM, Patricia Shanahan <p...@acm.org> wrote:

> On 7/24/2016 10:24 AM, Damjan Jovanovic wrote:
> ...
>> So how do we download files now?
>> Java. Java supports https:// out of the box, is very portable between
>> operating systems and CPUs, uses its own root CA certificates, is already
>> used on all the buildbots, and is documented as being a mandatory build
>> dependency (even though it doesn't seem that way in ./configure). A simple
>> class main/solenv/javadownloader/AOOJavaDownloader.java gets compiled into
>> main/solenv/<platform>/class/AOOJavaDownloader.class by the ./bootstrap
>> script, and then called from Perl's main/solenv/bin/
>> download_external_dependencies.pl and
>> main/solenv/bin/modules/ExtensionsLst.pm using system(), in place of
>> LWP::UserAgent. Internally, it uses java.net.URLConnection for http/https
>> support, deals with HTTP redirection, also verifying MD5 and SHA1 hashes
>> like the Perl DownloadFile() function it replaces.
>> The way it's been set up is a bit of a hack, but it's working phenomenally
>> well on both FreeBSD and Windows, and with it the Windows aoo-win7
>> buildbot
>> has successfully bootstrapped for the first time in memorable history, and
>> with VCVARS32.BAT eliminated it looks like it may even finish building
>> successfully!
> This sounds very promising. I hope it works.

Every nightly buildbot bootstraps now and every *nix buildbot among them
builds successfully. I consider the patch a complete success.

The snapshot buildbots still can't bootstrap unless they have
LWP::Protocol::https installed - not until we make another snapshot for
them with r1753943 merged.

It's just Windows we have to fix now. See the other thread.

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