Hello Open Office Dev Community,

Dennis E. Hamilton forwarded my message to this list. Thank you for this activity. I was in the opinion that I have no time and therefore can not join the list or help. However OpenOffice devlopment is on my mind for a complete week now. So I decided I free up time and will focus on developing for Apache Open Office. The activity of freeing up time is not that easy, and I am still working on it. So for starters I will use 4h per week for OO trying to move up to 8h.
However I have to solve some other topics for this.

I worked for the last 10 Years as a BI specialist consultant with focus on a language called SAS. I am experienced SQL Scripter. In my last project I had to take over a simple .net Program because the originated Programmer could not be further payed. I wrote once a Java Application in order to give a customer an easy tool to verify the Outcome of a delivery.
I even had to document a COBOL Programm once.
My Diploma thesis involved a webapp Application written in php and perl (ver. 5).
I was messing around with python for a while and I am a big fan of Ceylon.

And most important since my study times I now and then mess around with c++. I am a big fan of Bjarne Stroustrup " A tour of C++" and still trying to understand Alexandrescu " Modern c++ design"
So I hope no one minds if I try to utilize this knowledge.

I am long time user of Open Office and its derivate Libre Office. So I am quite proficient with it as a user. (However I have to admit I am latly useing mostly Microsoft products due business focus.) I am german nativ speaker, with acceptable english skills. And I have some crappy hungarian skill. ;)

I even have a "build experience" of Open Office. Back in 2005 (I think) I was a big fan of Gentoo. I even build Open Office from source code. It just took me 11h compile time on a Athlon XP System. Which was the longest compile effort I had to wait for back then. lol! (The credits go to the awesome Gentoo distribution, my effort was only the patience to wait that the update finishes.)

Long story short. I know
# a lot of languages badly
# a language that is itself a mess.
# how to development in crappy envoirments.

I value
# maintainability
# necessary documentation
# comments
# smart easy to use code.

I would privatly like to achieve to improve
 #  build times
 #  maintainability

This is my 3rd Open Office Project I was involved.
# piArmada I want to produce a follow up version. But I lack the skills, and it is hard to build skill alone. # AutoRealm, I supported a redevelopment a little bit. However I did not feel very comfortable due to my rather low c++ skill.

My suggestiones I send to Dennis are still valid for me. They should give orientation what I prefer, but I think I am the Noob here, and it is not my place to decide. Maybe when I have manged to build some reputation I will bring one or the other topic up. Reference: http://www.mail-archive.com/dev@openoffice.apache.org/msg28377.html

I use Arch Linux on an ASUS Ultrabook which is my devlopment machine, since it has the best hardware.
I own a macbook air from 2009  and Windows 10 on a desktop system.

So I suggest I start with trying to buid OO on the Mac. See how this goes. I had the impression this could be a quick win for the project and a good entry point for me.
If someone has a different Idea, I am open for discussion or swap focus.

So Here I am at your service. :-D
I am looking very much to code with you.

All the best.

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