Am 19.09.2016 um 19:33 schrieb Marcus:
> IMHO "unusable" is the wrong description. I've no problem. Why? Maybe
> I don't use en-US. ;-)
> Sure a large portion of users have problems to work with styles. But
> "unuseable" has a total different meaning - at least for me. 

The related bugs were comfirmed for german, french and swedish. ;-) One
was confirmed on Mac.
And maybe you don't use Ubuntu (or a distribution based on it)?

"Unusable" might be too strong, but at least 3 different actions in
Writer caused a complete crash. It is like try and error... ;-)

Anyway, as a long time AOO-user I would like to have it fully functional
on Ubuntu.
Sooner or later... ;-)

kind regards

Matthias Seidel

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