When I write the place where you write moves

End of story

2016-12-05 12:06 GMT+01:00 Marcus <marcus.m...@wtnet.de>:

> Am 12/05/2016 11:32 AM, schrieb Jesper Andersson:
>> Have been using openoffice for a long time, but Im not a prolific
>> writer, since I have windows 7 this applies only to win7
>> When I use the openoffice document, it is interceded by Windows,
>> and for some reason starts looking for the pointer - it now goes on
>> to put the prompt on the line where the pointer is
>> Not certain, but if pointer outside of document, heads back to latest
>> (place)
>> If you did not know about this, I just wanted to let you know.
>> It does this every 20 minutes (windows probably)
> I'm sorry but I don't understand the problem you are seeing. Is it
> possible for you to describe it with other words or even better can you
> provide us with a step-by-step description what you see, what is happening,
> what you expect, etc.?
> Thanks in advance.
> Marcus

Jesper "Solskivan" Andersson

Kan vara så att bostadsbubblan spricker om sex månader, kan
vara så att Tyskland går in i en recession, om sex månader, och
att Japan devalverar cirka om sex månader - januari eller februari.

Många bostadsbubblor spricker då - Sverige drabbas nog senare.
Nu rör sig kapitalet västerut - trots att hela skifferoljesvängen snart
imploderar kommer amerikanska börser att stiga - krig i Mellanöstern.

Sjunkande oljepris. Mer merkantilism i världen dessvärre - sälj en
fastighet inom ett år är mitt råd - köp dollar (amerikanska) på
medellång sikt, köp Euro på medellång sikt, sälj guld. Vissa aktier
köpvärda om cirka ett år. Oljan stiger tillbaka mot hundra dollar om två
eller tre år - Sverige blir på sikt som en blandning mellan Japan och
Norge - rikt men under ständigt devalveringshot - detta varar fem år.

Negativa räntor har inget med bankerna eller spararna att göra, det har med
"appreciering" att göra

This situation serves a number of short term purposes for the states
involved. Negative rates help to control destabilizing financial inflows at
times when fear is increasingly driving large amounts of money across
borders. A primary objective has been to reduce upward pressure on
currencies outside the eurozone. The Swiss, Danish and Swedish currencies
have all been experiencing currency appreciation, hence a desire to use
negative interest rates to protect their exchange rate, and therefore the
price of their exports, by encouraging foreigners to keep their money
elsewhere. The Danish central bank’s sole mandate is to control the value
of the currency against the euro. For a time, Switzerland pegged their
currency directly to the euro, but found the cost of doing so to be
prohibitive. For them, negative rates are a less costly attempt to weaken
the currency without the need to defend a formal peg. In a world of
competitive, beggar-thy-neighbour currency devaluations, negative interest
rates are seen as a means to achieve or maintain an export advantage, and
evidence of the growing currency war.

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