On 12/5/2016 12:35 PM, Peter Kovacs wrote:
# Concerning 12h period. (did not find who brought this up :) )
What I mean is that it would be great if we could devide all activities
in good estimate able chunks. Agile methology claims everything that an
experienced developer estimates beyond 24h h (3 working days) of effort
is inaccurate and there is a high propability that something has been

There are important, even essential, tasks that cannot be handled in
neat, tidy, estimatable chunks.

I am trying to simultaneously learn AOO internals and analyze a bug.
Debug on a very large body of unfamiliar, long-maintained code is a
messy process. I have done it intermittently for decades, and still
don't know a way to make it clean and tidy. I usually know what to do
for the current step, but the next step will depend on its results.

It is less a matter of "something has been forgotten" than of "most of
the necessary knowledge is not yet known".

It would be great if we could divide **some** activities in good
estimatable chunks. I just don't think aiming for "all" makes sense. On
the other hand, the tasks that can be handled in tidy pieces are exactly
the ones relatively inexperienced contributors should be starting on.

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