My AOO 4.1.4 builds are ready for upload.

Configure settings were:

LANGS="ast bg ca ca-XR ca-XV cs da de el en-GB en-US es eu fi fr gd gl he hi hu 
it ja kid km ko lt nb nl pl pt pt-BR ru sk sl sr sv ta th tr vi zh-CN zh-TW"

./configure   \
        --with-build-version="$(date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") - `uname -sm`" \
        --with-vendor="Apache OpenOffice Community Build" \
        --enable-verbose \
        --with-openldap \
        --enable-category-b \
        --enable-bundled-dictionaries \
        --enable-wiki-publisher \
        --with-junit="/usr/local/share/java/junit.jar" \
        --with-jdk-home="$JAVA_HOME" \
        --with-ant-home="$ANT_HOME" \
        --with-epm=/usr/local/bin/epm \
        --with-dmake-path=/usr/local/bin/dmake \
        --without-stlport \
        --with-package-format="installed dmg" \
        --disable-systray \
        --with-alloc=system \
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