Am 31.07.2017 um 12:45 schrieb Pedro:
> Hi Peter
> On 31-07-2017 06:21, Peter kovacs wrote:
>> Matthias ment the version is not for productive use, only for testing.
> Yes, I know that. But in a real world the only way to really test a
> build is to use it on your daily tasks. That is why I say that I am a
> user.

Testing from a "user perspective" is a good approach and it is what I do
most of the time... ;-)

> I don't expect common users to do this. But if testers were willing to
> risk and developers were willing to fix regressions and real life bugs
> as a priority, this (and any program) would evolve in huge leaps.

I am sure some people will download my builds and use it as if they were
officially released.
That is why I started to "brand" my builds, to make them distinguishable
from official ones.

Regards, Matthias

> Just my 2 cents ;)
> Cheers,
> Pedro
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