The process is, we vote, then get Infra to switch us.

Many big and small Apache projects have switched to Git, eg. Apache Commons.

On Fri, Sep 15, 2017 at 4:26 AM, Patricia Shanahan <> wrote:

> I would like to add one more condition: We should not move until the
> process we will use has been applied successfully to smaller projects.
> I am relatively neutral on the choice of repository, and a lot of people
> seem to like Git.
> On 9/14/2017 11:16 AM, Marcus wrote:
>> Even when I'm not a real developer, please let me add some points:
>> IMHO we could switch when
>> - ASF Infra can and will support it
>> - the CMS (it manages the webpages) is supporting Git
>> - the big majority of us is wanting Git
>> - it is known how and save that the SVN commit history can be migrated
>>    to Git
>> PS:
>> As Apache project the code has to be at the ASF. I think it's not
>> possible to store it somewhere else like, e.g., GitHub.
>> Marcus
>> Am 14.09.2017 um 19:24 schrieb Peter Kovacs:
>>> On 14.09.2017 13:10, Damjan Jovanovic wrote:
>>>> Hi
>>>> Can we please switch to using Git instead of Subversion for AOO's
>>>> source?
>>>> I don't know how much justification you want/need. Git is huge nowdays,
>>>> by
>>>> far the most popular VCS worldwide, the one most developers know and
>>>> IDEs
>>>> support (
>>>> It
>>>> would help us with local branches for testing and experimenting offline,
>>>> git bisect for regression testing, it's efficient with large projects,
>>>> it
>>>> would integrate with GitHub better, etc.
>>>> What do people think?
>>>> Damjan
>>>> As much as I prefer GIT for Codemaintenance, I think the central REPO
>>> should be maintained by Apache Infra.
>>> If Infra can move to git, fine. If they do not support it, it is also
>>> fine to me.
>>> I am at -1 to have our official REPO on GITHUB or another service
>>> provider.
>>> And I am not sure if we can not work around the problem to commit to SVN
>>> from a GIT repo.
>>> Have to check.
>>> All the best
>>> Peter
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