Hi Jim,

Thanks. Not quite what is in devtools, I’ll adjust.

That said here is something from my system:

$ /usr/libexec/java_home -v 1.7
Unable to find any JVMs matching version "1.7".

What is yours?

I guess I need to look further back on the legacy code page.


> On Oct 27, 2017, at 10:40 AM, Jim Jagielski <j...@jagunet.com> wrote:
> Attached is the build script I've been using (also in devtools/build-scripts):
> it describes the env and the programs installed (and versions)... I do use 
> Java7
> #!/bin/sh
> ### 4.1.2 Script:
> ### 4.1.2 Script: echo "### Configure"
> ### 4.1.2 Script: ./configure \
> ### 4.1.2 Script:              --with-build-version="$(date +"%Y-%m-%d 
> %H:%M:%S (%a, %d %b %Y)")" \
> ### 4.1.2 Script:              --enable-verbose \
> ### 4.1.2 Script:              --enable-category-b \
> ### 4.1.2 Script:              --enable-wiki-publisher \
> ### 4.1.2 Script:              --enable-bundled-dictionaries \
> ### 4.1.2 Script:              --without-stlport \
> ### 4.1.2 Script:              
> --with-dmake-path=/Users/jsc/dev/tools/bin/dmake \
> ### 4.1.2 Script:              --with-epm=/Users/jsc/dev/tools/bin/epm/epm \
> ### 4.1.2 Script:              --with-openldap \
> ### 4.1.2 Script:              
> --with-junit=/Users/jsc/dev/tools/junit/junit-4.11.jar \
> ### 4.1.2 Script:              
> --with-packager-list=/Users/jsc/dev/svn/aoo-build-pack.lst
> ### 4.1.2 Script:              
> --with-jdk-home=/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.7.0_67.jdk/Contents/Home
>  \
> ### 4.1.2 Script:              
> --with-ant-home=/Users/jsc/dev/tools/apache-ant-1.9.3/dist \
> ### 4.1.2 Script:              --with-lang="kid ast bg ca ca-XR ca-XV cs da 
> de el en-GB en-US es eu fi fr gd gl he hi hu it ja km ko lt nb nl pl pt pt-BR 
> ru sk sl sr sv ta th tr vi zh-CN zh-TW"
> ### 4.1.2 Script:
> ### 4.1.2 Script:
> #
> # Build-script for AOO 4.1.x on OSX 10.12
> #
> # System Setup:
> #  XCode 8.3.3 (Updated w/ https://github.com/devernay/xcodelegacy.git)
> #
> # Local Changes:
> #   MacPorts:
> #     o apache-ant (1.9.9)
> #     o gnutar (1.29) (symlink gnutar to gtar)
> #     o perl5 (perl5.22)
> #     o p5-archive-*
> #     o p5-lwp-*
> #     o p5-xml-parser
> #
> #   Oracle JAVA 1.7 JDK
> #
> #   /usr/local:
> #     o dmake
> #         
> http://sourceforge.net/projects/oooextras.mirror/files/dmake-4.12.tar.bz2
> #         ./configure --prefix=/usr/local ; make install
> #     o epm
> #         http://www.msweet.org/files/project2/epm-4.3-source.tar.gz
> #         $ ./configure --prefix=/usr/local ; make install
> #
> #     o openssl (1.0.2j)
> #         https://www.openssl.org/source/openssl-1.0.2j.tar.gz
> #         $ export MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=10.7
> #         $ ./Configure darwin64-x86_64-cc no-shared --prefix=/usr/local 
> --openssldir=/usr/local ; make install
> #
> #   Env:
> #     LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib
> #     C_INCLUDE_PATH=/usr/local/include
> #     CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH=/usr/local/include
> #     
> PATH=/opt/local/bin:/opt/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:.
> #
> #   Notes:
> #     o openssl required for serf; we build non-shared so all
> #       linkings are to the static libs
> #
> #     o JDK 1.7 seems to work better; and it's always best to
> #       have just *one* version of te JDK installed.
> #
> if [ ! -d ../main -o ! -d sal ] ; then
>       echo "CHDIR into AOO's main/ directory first!"
>       exit 1
> fi
> if [ -z "$JAVA_HOME" ] ; then
>       JAVA_HOME=$(/usr/libexec/java_home -v 1.7)
> fi
> if [ ! -d "$JAVA_HOME" ] ; then
>    echo "JAVA_HOME not found: $JAVA_HOME"
>    exit 1
> fi
> export JAVA_HOME
> echo "JAVA_HOME is: $JAVA_HOME..."
> if [ -z "$ANT_HOME" ] ; then
>       ANT_HOME=/usr/local/share/java/apache-ant
> fi
> if [ ! -d "$ANT_HOME" ] ; then
>    echo "ANT_HOME not found: $ANT_HOME"
>    exit 1
> fi
> export ANT_HOME
> echo "ANT_HOME is: $ANT_HOME..."
> if [ -z "$JUNIT_PATH" ] ; then
>       JUNIT_PATH=/usr/local/share/java/junit.jar
> fi
> if [ ! -e "$JUNIT_PATH" ] ; then
>    echo "JUNIT_PATH not found: $JUNIT_PATH"
>    exit 1
> fi
> export JUNIT_PATH
> echo "JUNIT_PATH is: $JUNIT_PATH..."
> if [ ! -e external/unowinreg/unowinreg.dll ] ; then
>       echo "Downloading unowinreg.dll..."
>       curl -o external/unowinreg/unowinreg.dll 
> http://www.openoffice.org/tools/unowinreg_prebuild/680/unowinreg.dll
> fi
> LANGS="ast bg ca ca-XR ca-XV cs da de el en-GB en-US es eu fi fr gd gl he hi 
> hu it ja km ko lt nb nl pl pt pt-BR ru sk sl sr sv ta th tr vi zh-CN zh-TW"
> if [ ! -e configure -o configure.in -nt configure ] ; then
>       echo "Running autoconf..."
>       autoconf || exit 1
> fi
> ./configure   \
>    --with-build-version="$(date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S (%a, %d %b %Y)") - `uname 
> -sm`" \
>       --with-vendor="Apache OpenOffice Community Build" \
>       --enable-verbose \
>       --with-openldap \
>       --enable-category-b \
>       --enable-bundled-dictionaries \
>       --enable-wiki-publisher \
>       --with-junit="$JUNIT_PATH" \
>       --with-jdk-home="$JAVA_HOME" \
>       --with-ant-home="$ANT_HOME" \
>       --with-epm=/usr/local/bin/epm \
>       --with-dmake-path=/usr/local/bin/dmake \
>       --without-stlport \
>       --with-package-format="installed dmg" \
>       --disable-systray \
>       --with-alloc=system \
>       --with-lang="${LANGS}" \
>       | tee config.out || exit 1
> ./bootstrap || exit 1
> source ./MacOSXX64Env.Set.sh || exit 1
> cd instsetoo_native
> time perl "$SOLARENV/bin/build.pl" --all -- -P4 || exit 1
> cd util
> dmake ooolanguagepack || exit 1
> dmake sdkoo_en-US || exit 1
> date "+Build ended at %H:%M:%S"
>> On Oct 27, 2017, at 1:13 PM, Dave Fisher <dave2w...@comcast.net> wrote:
>> Hi Jim,
>> OK. That helped, but now I am stuck because in odk and javadoc generation.
>> dmake:  Error code 1, while making 
>> '../../unxmaccx.pro/bin/odkcommon/docs/java/ref/index.html'
>> dmake:  '../../unxmaccx.pro/bin/odkcommon/docs/java/ref/index.html' removed.
>> 1 module(s):
>>      odk
>> need(s) to be rebuilt
>> I think I need to switch to JDK 7, but that is no longer easy. Do you have 
>> any advice?
>> Regards,
>> Dave
>>> On Oct 27, 2017, at 4:01 AM, Jim Jagielski <j...@jagunet.com 
>>> <mailto:j...@jagunet.com>> wrote:
>>> I also run from the Terminal... well, iTerm.
>>>> On Oct 26, 2017, at 8:08 PM, Dave Fisher <dave2w...@comcast.net 
>>>> <mailto:dave2w...@comcast.net>> wrote:
>>>> Downloading the SDK now.
>>>> While I wait - I run from terminal are you running elsewhere?
>>>>> On Oct 26, 2017, at 4:59 PM, Jim Jagielski <j...@jagunet.com 
>>>>> <mailto:j...@jagunet.com> <mailto:j...@jagunet.com 
>>>>> <mailto:j...@jagunet.com>>> wrote:
>>>>> sdk 10.9 lacks Python. No idea why.
>>>>> Install sdk 10.11 and configure should find and use that one.
>>>>> All this is fixed in trunk.
>>>>>> On Oct 26, 2017, at 7:29 PM, Dave Fisher <dave2w...@comcast.net 
>>>>>> <mailto:dave2w...@comcast.net> <mailto:dave2w...@comcast.net 
>>>>>> <mailto:dave2w...@comcast.net>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi -
>>>>>> Well this is a royal pain to setup.
>>>>>> I’ve done the xcodelegacy and have installed the 10.7 and 10.9 SDKs.
>>>>>> I have a fresh copy of the branch AOO414. I run and now it cannot find 
>>>>>> python headers.
>>>>>> checking which python to use... compiling against system python 
>>>>>> (/usr/bin/python)
>>>>>> compiling against system python (version 2.7)
>>>>>> checking Python.h usability... no
>>>>>> checking Python.h presence... no
>>>>>> checking for Python.h... no
>>>>>> configure: error: Python headers not found
>>>>>> I need help. What the heck happened to my Python setup?
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> Dave
>>>>>>> On Oct 26, 2017, at 1:00 PM, Dave Fisher <dave2w...@comcast.net 
>>>>>>> <mailto:dave2w...@comcast.net> <mailto:dave2w...@comcast.net 
>>>>>>> <mailto:dave2w...@comcast.net>><mailto:dave2w...@comcast.net 
>>>>>>> <mailto:dave2w...@comcast.net> <mailto:dave2w...@comcast.net 
>>>>>>> <mailto:dave2w...@comcast.net>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Jim,
>>>>>>> I’m building AOO 4.1.4 using macOS12 library and made it all the way to 
>>>>>>> VCL where I get:
>>>>>>> /Users/davewave/Development/aoo-4.1.4/main/vcl/aqua/source/dtrans/PictToBmpFlt.cxx:34:10:
>>>>>>>  fatal error: 'QuickTime/QuickTime.h' file not found
>>>>>>> #include <QuickTime/QuickTime.h>
>>>>>>> Do I need to use XCodeLegacy and point to 10.7?
>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>> Dave
>>>>>>>> On Oct 25, 2017, at 12:24 PM, Dave Fisher <dave2w...@comcast.net 
>>>>>>>> <mailto:dave2w...@comcast.net> <mailto:dave2w...@comcast.net 
>>>>>>>> <mailto:dave2w...@comcast.net>><mailto:dave2w...@comcast.net 
>>>>>>>> <mailto:dave2w...@comcast.net> <mailto:dave2w...@comcast.net 
>>>>>>>> <mailto:dave2w...@comcast.net>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi -
>>>>>>>> I am now on Xcode 8.3.3. Cleaned up and reset.
>>>>>>>> I now I’m on an issues with Redland:
>>>>>>>> configure: error: Raptor  is too old - see http://librdf.org/raptor/ 
>>>>>>>> <http://librdf.org/raptor/> <http://librdf.org/raptor/ 
>>>>>>>> <http://librdf.org/raptor/>> <http://librdf.org/raptor/ 
>>>>>>>> <http://librdf.org/raptor/> <http://librdf.org/raptor/ 
>>>>>>>> <http://librdf.org/raptor/>>> to get a 2.0.7 or newer
>>>>>>>> dmake:  Error code 1, while making 
>>>>>>>> '../unxmaccx.pro/misc/build/so_configured_so_rasqal'
>>>>>>>> 1 module(s):
>>>>>>>>        redland
>>>>>>>> need(s) to be rebuilt
>>>>>>>> Reason(s):
>>>>>>>> ERROR: error 65280 occurred while making 
>>>>>>>> /Users/davewave/Development/aoo/main/redland/rasqal
>>>>>>>> When you have fixed the errors in that module you can resume the build 
>>>>>>>> by running:
>>>>>>>>        build --all:redland
>>>>>>>> Looking into this it looks bogus and I went past the check and now:
>>>>>>>> configure: error: Rasqal is not installed or too old - see 
>>>>>>>> http://librdf.org/rasqal/ <http://librdf.org/rasqal/> 
>>>>>>>> <http://librdf.org/rasqal/ 
>>>>>>>> <http://librdf.org/rasqal/>><http://librdf.org/rasqal/ 
>>>>>>>> <http://librdf.org/rasqal/> <http://librdf.org/rasqal/ 
>>>>>>>> <http://librdf.org/rasqal/>>> to get a version in range 0.9.25 to 
>>>>>>>> 0.9.99
>>>>>>>> dmake:  Error code 1, while making 
>>>>>>>> '../unxmaccx.pro/misc/build/so_configured_so_redland'
>>>>>>>> 1 module(s):
>>>>>>>>        redland
>>>>>>>> need(s) to be rebuilt
>>>>>>>> Reason(s):
>>>>>>>> ERROR: error 65280 occurred while making 
>>>>>>>> /Users/davewave/Development/aoo/main/redland/redland
>>>>>>>> When you have fixed the errors in that module you can resume the build 
>>>>>>>> by running:
>>>>>>>>        build --all:redland
>>>>>>>> Looks like I have something off in my environment.
>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>> Dave
>>>>>>>>> On Oct 25, 2017, at 8:19 AM, Dave Fisher <dave2w...@comcast.net 
>>>>>>>>> <mailto:dave2w...@comcast.net> <mailto:dave2w...@comcast.net 
>>>>>>>>> <mailto:dave2w...@comcast.net>><mailto:dave2w...@comcast.net 
>>>>>>>>> <mailto:dave2w...@comcast.net> <mailto:dave2w...@comcast.net 
>>>>>>>>> <mailto:dave2w...@comcast.net>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi Jim,
>>>>>>>>> Thanks. I have Xcode 9 which has the following:
>>>>>>>>> $ xcodebuild -showsdks
>>>>>>>>> iOS SDKs:
>>>>>>>>>       iOS 11.0                        -sdk iphoneos11.0
>>>>>>>>> iOS Simulator SDKs:
>>>>>>>>>       Simulator - iOS 11.0            -sdk iphonesimulator11.0
>>>>>>>>> macOS SDKs:
>>>>>>>>>       macOS 10.13                     -sdk macosx10.13
>>>>>>>>> tvOS SDKs:
>>>>>>>>>       tvOS 11.0                       -sdk appletvos11.0
>>>>>>>>> tvOS Simulator SDKs:
>>>>>>>>>       Simulator - tvOS 11.0           -sdk appletvsimulator11.0
>>>>>>>>> watchOS SDKs:
>>>>>>>>>       watchOS 4.0                     -sdk watchos4.0
>>>>>>>>> watchOS Simulator SDKs:
>>>>>>>>>       Simulator - watchOS 4.0         -sdk watchsimulator4.0
>>>>>>>>> I modified configure to target 10.13 and adjusted the egrep:
>>>>>>>>> sdk_found=`xcodebuild -showsdks | $EGREP "sdk macosx10.(10|11|12|13)" 
>>>>>>>>> | sed -e "s/.*sdk //" | head -n1`
>>>>>>>>> Also -
>>>>>>>>> #   sdk_target=10.9
>>>>>>>>> sdk_target=10.13
>>>>>>>>> The last means the environment variable MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET in 
>>>>>>>>> the release script is not used.
>>>>>>>>> On to the next issue with the category B downloads. Certificate store 
>>>>>>>>> issues giving 500 errors.
>>>>>>>>> Also, I noticed a version 5.5 of Tomcat ….
>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>> Dave
>>>>>>>>>> On Oct 25, 2017, at 5:32 AM, Jim Jagielski <j...@jagunet.com 
>>>>>>>>>> <mailto:j...@jagunet.com> <mailto:j...@jagunet.com 
>>>>>>>>>> <mailto:j...@jagunet.com>><mailto:j...@jagunet.com 
>>>>>>>>>> <mailto:j...@jagunet.com> <mailto:j...@jagunet.com 
>>>>>>>>>> <mailto:j...@jagunet.com>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Actually, if you have Xcode7 or Xcode8, there is no need for
>>>>>>>>>> Xcodelegacy at all.
>>>>>>>>>> All Xcodelegacy does is obtain older macOS SDKs and installs them
>>>>>>>>>> in Xcode. But we use the latest SDK available (via configure). So
>>>>>>>>>> Xcodelegacy is not a requirement/dependency per se. It's just
>>>>>>>>>> useful in case we get into a situation where we need to
>>>>>>>>>> use an older SDK rather than the latest.
>>>>>>>>>>> On Oct 24, 2017, at 6:00 PM, Dave Fisher <dave2w...@comcast.net 
>>>>>>>>>>> <mailto:dave2w...@comcast.net> <mailto:dave2w...@comcast.net 
>>>>>>>>>>> <mailto:dave2w...@comcast.net>><mailto:dave2w...@comcast.net 
>>>>>>>>>>> <mailto:dave2w...@comcast.net> <mailto:dave2w...@comcast.net 
>>>>>>>>>>> <mailto:dave2w...@comcast.net>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Jim,
>>>>>>>>>>> I’m hung up on what I should do with 
>>>>>>>>>>> https://github.com/devernay/xcodelegacy 
>>>>>>>>>>> <https://github.com/devernay/xcodelegacy> 
>>>>>>>>>>> <https://github.com/devernay/xcodelegacy 
>>>>>>>>>>> <https://github.com/devernay/xcodelegacy>><https://github.com/devernay/xcodelegacy
>>>>>>>>>>>  <https://github.com/devernay/xcodelegacy> 
>>>>>>>>>>> <https://github.com/devernay/xcodelegacy 
>>>>>>>>>>> <https://github.com/devernay/xcodelegacy>>> 
>>>>>>>>>>> <https://github.com/devernay/xcodelegacy 
>>>>>>>>>>> <https://github.com/devernay/xcodelegacy> 
>>>>>>>>>>> <https://github.com/devernay/xcodelegacy 
>>>>>>>>>>> <https://github.com/devernay/xcodelegacy>><https://github.com/devernay/xcodelegacy
>>>>>>>>>>>  <https://github.com/devernay/xcodelegacy> 
>>>>>>>>>>> <https://github.com/devernay/xcodelegacy 
>>>>>>>>>>> <https://github.com/devernay/xcodelegacy>>>>
>>>>>>>>>>> What should I download before I run the scripts? Which form of the 
>>>>>>>>>>> command should I use?
>>>>>>>>>>> BTW - this requirement is only mentioned in the build release 
>>>>>>>>>>> script.
>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>>>> Dave
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Oct 23, 2017, at 5:38 PM, Dave Fisher <dave2w...@comcast.net 
>>>>>>>>>>>> <mailto:dave2w...@comcast.net> <mailto:dave2w...@comcast.net 
>>>>>>>>>>>> <mailto:dave2w...@comcast.net>><mailto:dave2w...@comcast.net 
>>>>>>>>>>>> <mailto:dave2w...@comcast.net> <mailto:dave2w...@comcast.net 
>>>>>>>>>>>> <mailto:dave2w...@comcast.net>>> <mailto:dave2w...@comcast.net 
>>>>>>>>>>>> <mailto:dave2w...@comcast.net> <mailto:dave2w...@comcast.net 
>>>>>>>>>>>> <mailto:dave2w...@comcast.net>><mailto:dave2w...@comcast.net 
>>>>>>>>>>>> <mailto:dave2w...@comcast.net> <mailto:dave2w...@comcast.net 
>>>>>>>>>>>> <mailto:dave2w...@comcast.net>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Jim,
>>>>>>>>>>>> I wanted to validate build instructions. Should I take these two 
>>>>>>>>>>>> from your github for my MacOS Sierra environment?
>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>> Dave
>>>>>>>>>>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Oct 20, 2017, at 7:31 AM, Jim Jagielski <j...@jagunet.com 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <mailto:j...@jagunet.com> <mailto:j...@jagunet.com 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <mailto:j...@jagunet.com>><mailto:j...@jagunet.com 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <mailto:j...@jagunet.com> <mailto:j...@jagunet.com 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <mailto:j...@jagunet.com>>> <mailto:j...@jagunet.com 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <mailto:j...@jagunet.com> <mailto:j...@jagunet.com 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <mailto:j...@jagunet.com>><mailto:j...@jagunet.com 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <mailto:j...@jagunet.com> <mailto:j...@jagunet.com 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <mailto:j...@jagunet.com>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Just a FYI that I am tracking dmake and epm on the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> below Github pages:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> o https://github.com/jimjag/epm <https://github.com/jimjag/epm> 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <https://github.com/jimjag/epm <https://github.com/jimjag/epm>> 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <https://github.com/jimjag/epm <https://github.com/jimjag/epm> 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <https://github.com/jimjag/epm <https://github.com/jimjag/epm>>> 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <https://github.com/jimjag/epm <https://github.com/jimjag/epm> 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <https://github.com/jimjag/epm <https://github.com/jimjag/epm>> 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <https://github.com/jimjag/epm <https://github.com/jimjag/epm> 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <https://github.com/jimjag/epm <https://github.com/jimjag/epm>>>>
>>>>>>>>>>>>> o https://github.com/jimjag/dmake 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <https://github.com/jimjag/dmake> 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <https://github.com/jimjag/dmake 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <https://github.com/jimjag/dmake>> 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <https://github.com/jimjag/dmake 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <https://github.com/jimjag/dmake> 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <https://github.com/jimjag/dmake 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <https://github.com/jimjag/dmake>>> 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <https://github.com/jimjag/dmake 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <https://github.com/jimjag/dmake> 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <https://github.com/jimjag/dmake 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <https://github.com/jimjag/dmake>> 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <https://github.com/jimjag/dmake 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <https://github.com/jimjag/dmake> 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <https://github.com/jimjag/dmake 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <https://github.com/jimjag/dmake>>>>
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I know we are moving away from dmake, but IMO it'll take
>>>>>>>>>>>>> some time for that to be complete. Plus, updating to the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> latest version of EPM is useful (it's the ONLY way to build
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the macOS versions now, for example), but we also need
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the AOO-specific patches in there. Which are included
>>>>>>>>>>>>> in my forks.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Just topic for discussion and chewing over
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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>>>>>>>>>>>>> <mailto:dev-h...@openoffice.apache.org 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <mailto:dev-h...@openoffice.apache.org>>>>
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