As readers no doubt recall, I'm been struggling with getting
the latest HEAD of 4.2.0 to build on macOS... The various
migrations of modules from the old build to gbuild, w/o
consideration for other platforms has broken things, both
related to required libs not being linked and/or copied
(fallout from the UDK versioning changes) as well as other
issues which I can't fathom.

Is there anyone left who knows the build process well enough
that when I run into dead-ends could provide some clues
and helpful insights on at least where to look for possible
work-arounds and fixes?

For example, jurt builds libjpipe.dylib and the build
process correctly links that to libjpipe.jnilib. However,
during later processing, it looks like that file isn't
copied over, and the build fails saying it cannot find
libjpipe.jnilib. If I forcibly link it, I can continue
the build, but then I get:

 sync --verbose -env:UNO_JAVA_JFW_ENV_JREHOME=true 2>&1 | failed!
in function: register_extensions
in function: register_extensionsstopping log at Tue Jul 24 17:29:46 2018
... removing directory 

I've no idea what that means and what could be causing that...

So my question is whether there is anyone around who
has any ideas or clues on where to start...? Considering
that macOS is one of our largest downloads, it would be nice
to not have to drop it from AOO 4.2.0.
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