One follow up on this - while it is in front of me.

It appears the last time a file under the AOO tree was updated was in third
quarter 2017 and those appear to be work files and 'not published' final

On Thu, Feb 21, 2019 at 12:25 PM Drew Jensen <>

> Howdy folks,
> I has been a while since I've said hello on you mailing list.
> Reason for doing so today is, as the subject says, regarding the
> ODFAuthors website which had been used at one time by folks developing
> documentation for both LibreOffice and Apache OpenOffice.
> As you can see the Document Foundation, which has been hosting the site,
> is  looking to move away from it and currently looking to shudder the
> service in an expeditious fashion. March 31, 2019 being at a minimum the
> date on which the server will be read only.
> What follows is a copy of an email that went out to the Document
> Foundation's documentation mailing list last week.
> ----------------------------
> Hello Authors
> In order to optimize our resources in many aspects (manpower, security,
> hardware) we started last year the migration of some documentation
> communities to the NextCloud service.
> To the date, the EN, DE, FR, ES, pt-BR, IT, NL and TR documentation
> communities have open folders in NextCloud and started to move data
> from old ODF Author Plone to the new repository in NextCloud.
> I ask the remaining community leaders to start the migration process so
> we can keep March 31st, 2019 our deadline for freezing and deactivating
> the plone service.
> The migration is no more complex than recreating the same folder
> tree of the NL community in the NextCloud service and moving the
> files to the new service. Of course, as when moving to a new home, you
> may want to do some housekeeping on the contents.
> We will also move AOO / OO.o files to our NextCloud just in case.
> The old ODFAuthor plone service will be handed shutdown and archived. No
> loss of data expected.
> More on NextCloud at TDF:
> kind regards
> --------------------------------------------------
> As part of the process I was tasked with be responsible for maintaining a
> copy of the published files currently under the AOO and OO.o directories on
> the plone server over on the next cloud service mentioned above. This is
> just to ensure that they are saved in a place which could offer public
> access long term.
> In starting this process I have scanned through the files on the
> OADAuthors site and have found a number directories marked as private
> (which is in addition to a flag 'not published). I wanted to talk with
> folks here first and get your guidance on how best to proceed.
> My guess is there are questions - and I'll do my best to work with you on
> those through the mailing list here.
> Thanks for you attention to this and in advance for your time.
> Best wishes,
> Drew

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