Don't believe everything you read on the internet. AOO seems to work just fine according to Mojave users on the OpenOffice forum.

However, if you choose to innstall AOO, please make sure you read the installation instructions for Mac at especially in respect of gatekeeper.

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On 20/5/19 4:40 pm, Dr Howard Camm wrote:
Hallo, I have a MacBook Air, running MOJAVE OSX. I have read on some tech 
forums that APACHE OPEN OFFICE will not run with MOJAVE  on a Mac - it this the 
case, please? Apologies for adding to your workload, but I thought it wise to 
check before downloading it and potentially crashing my system! Beste wensen, 
Dr Howard Camm.

Verstuurd vanaf mijn iPhone

David Robley

Confucius say: I didn't say that!

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