Here is my (updated) vote:


The Release Candidate is good for production:

[X] yes / +1

[ ] no / -1

My vote is based on

[X] binding (member of PMC)

[X] I have build and tested the RC from source

[X] I have tested the binary RC


Additional information:

 - Built binaries (all languages) for Windows from source
 - Tested binaries (de) on Windows 7 32-bit
 - Tested binaries (de) on Windows 10 (1903) 64-bit
 - Tested binaries (de) on Ubuntu 16.04.6 64-bit
 - Tested binaries (de) on Ubuntu 16.04.6 32-bit
 - Tested binaries (de) on Xubuntu 18.04.3 32-bit

On Windows, I also tested the detection/function of AdoptOpenJDK 8 [1]



Am 16.09.19 um 15:13 schrieb Jim Jagielski:
> Cast vote
>> On Sep 11, 2019, at 1:31 AM, Peter Kovacs <> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> In order to finalize the release, I jump in for Jim, who is traveling. :-)
>> Please take your vote.
>> The Release Candidate is good for production:
>> [X] yes / +1
>> [ ] no / -1
>> My vote is based on
>> [X] binding (member of PMC)
>> [X] I have build and tested the RC from source
>> [X] I have tested the binary RC
>> All the Best
>> Petko
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