Hi Peter,

See comment inline...

Am 15.12.19 um 10:37 schrieb Peter Kovacs:
> Hello Jenni,
> Okay, lets bring this back to the List.
> I try to sum up by Topic what is going on. If I forgot something it
> slipped my mind. Everyone is invited to add stuff. There is no
> particular order. The numbers are for easier reference.
> 1) Translation process
> OpenOffice offers a lot of languages (I think 60?) that can it setup to.
> A community works on their translations on a pootle server.
> The Project build our own pootle servers up with updated servers which
> are now in our maintenance ability. Before they were maintenanced by the
> foundations infra team.
> We talk about the switch from the infa service to our community service.
> Mechtilde is here in lead I would say.
> 2) Migration of static Webpages
> We have lots of web stuff. We have Static Webpages, a Media Wiki and a
> Confluence Wiki with information in it. (it is historical grown)
> Now the static Web pages need to be moved. We currently use an
> unmaintained system that parses Markup language into static pages.
> The new system offered by Infra (short for foundation Infra) is a
> combination of tools. Dave is there in lead, I think and George wanted
> to help. I have no Idea what status this project has.
> 3) Migration of the build System
> We use an old make build system called dmake. On top of it and in the
> background there are various scripts active, that build open office.
> This whole thing is unmaintained.
> We move to Gnu make. I think this is 90% done. The remaining
> translations are difficult to do. Damjan is there in the lead (and the
> only one involved?)
> 4) OpenOffice Win 64 bit translations
> We currently only offer a 32bitWindindows Version. Damjan is migrating
> it to 64 bit. I am unsure on the status. Build knowledge required ;)
> 5) OpenOffice Code renew
> We still use C-Arrays in our code. This are potentially a security
> threat. Patricia, had started before her pause to replace those with
> modern C++ vectors.
> We should continue on this. This is I think newbe friendly task. But we
> need to check her last commits to see the pattern.
> And you need to be able to build OpenOffice for this. Project is
> currently on hold.
> 6) Code Documentation.
> For me as a newbe it is very hard to understand what the code does. so I
> started to document the code.
> I want to understand which modul is has which responsibility on high
> level. I try to document this at [0]:
> Also I try to get more inline Comments added.
> I am currently looking into autodoc. Maybe we stick to it, maybe move to
> another maintained system. Discussion is still tbd.
> 7) Bug overview.
> I try to sort the bugs into topics and categories.
> My hope is that we can handle them better. or have teams caring on them.
> Our Bugtracker is Bugzilla, which is faster when you have a bad internet
> connection, and it is opensource.[1]
> I have opened up a Jira account where I try to do the clustering. [2]
> help and Ideas are appreciated.
> 8) solving bugs for 4.2.0
> We have a critical list that needs to be done before we can start a beta
> for release 4.2.0.
> I have no clue where this list was :( I take a look, and tell later or
> maybe someone else has it ready?
Maybe you think of this?


The link to the Release Blockers is point 7.1



> [0] https://wiki.openoffice.org/wiki/Main
> [1] https://bz.apache.org/ooo/
> [2]
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/projects/OPENOFFICE/issues/OPENOFFICE-109?filter=allopenissues
> -------- Forwarded Message --------
> Subject:      Re: Hiii
> Date:         Sun, 15 Dec 2019 11:00:38 +0200
> From:         Jennie Klein <jenniejoyn...@gmail.com>
> To:   Peter Kovacs <pe...@apache.org>
> For me this is all new so I'm not sure how it works, it would probably
> be helpful to get specific directions on how to get up to date on the
> project. First thing I saw was a bunch of messages about the project
> that I was still not familiar with.
> So maybe some kind of beginner instructions on how to get started.
> So what is the next steps I need to do to be up to date? And know what's
> going on and how I can help?
> On Sun, 15 Dec. 2019, 10:55 Peter Kovacs, <pe...@apache.org
> <mailto:pe...@apache.org>> wrote:
>     Yes take your time that is fine. I am just worried because people
>     usually post that they want to start and then do not write anything
>     else.
>     We are not sure where people give up. So we cannot help or lower the
>     barrier at this point. That is why I wanted try to get feedback.
>     What you can do we should talk on the list so people benefit.

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